I am not sure where I'm going, but I am sure I am not lost!
(James C.)
For Help, Call +63 918 9033778
Client Testimonials
My brother was an addict half of his life (he will be 45 this year), tried to stop his addiction on his own but eventually lost because there was no proper management and coaching. Though my brother was peaceful addict he never knew the real context of the word RESPONSIBILITY because our Papa was always there for him.
When Papa died in 2007, my brother lost the main pillar of his life and it was then that his family life started to crumble including our siblings relationship with his wife and kids. For 2 years and a half my brother continues to be in denial thinking that his addiction is not the source of our entire problem.
After spending Christmas 2008 without Papa, with a very depressed Mama and an irresponsible brother, I started search the web for a treatment that will be fit for my brother and the situation. It was then that I learned about out-patient drug rehabilitation and Dindo’s name keeps on popping up in all searches.
I contacted and meet Dindo in February 09 and I started the 5 months courtship with my brother to try this new type of rehab. He told me he can stop his addiction on his own which I know is very impossible. Then like a miracle, in the last week of June 09, my brother raised the white flag and agreed to meet Dindo.
In the next 6 months of 2009 my brother found a therapist, coach, guidance counselor, mentor and friend in Dindo. The nicest thing with Dindo is he extends it to my brother’s family, providing guidance and assistance for him and us to start on the right footing My brother’s life turned 180 degrees for the better and his family now sees him as the pillar they can count and lean on. Now there is peace and harmony in our family and I’m sure our Papa is happily watching us.
My brother’s recovery program was on tracked because he was decided and focused to make it successful. According to him “failure is not an option”….and so be it with God’s help we know that Dindo was, is and will always be there to guide, mentor and be his (our) friend in this continuing battle.
Sister from the Visayas
Bearing witness
December 2007 marked a turning point in my life as this is when I was introduced to Dindo by a friend who had already gone through intensive in-patient rehabilitation a number of years back. This friend I trust utterly, and all he asked of me was that I promise to talk to Dindo. Thus began what I consider a solid friendship and what is now over a full year of being clean.
I have had a long relationship with meth, which I tried when it first hit these shores in the early eighties. But I stayed away from this drug for many many years while I continued my lifelong love affair with alcohol. Somewhere along the line I picked up the use of meth recreationally, and as my active alcoholism waned by attending meetings, starting in the late 90’s, my use of meth began to become more habitual after 2004. This i linked to extreme pressures I was having with work and marriage. In truth I had found a place where I could retreat from the hard challenges of life we all must confront. I can blame no one but myself.
By 2007 my use of meth had become completely beyond the realm of recreational use. Each “run” I would have would be longer, and the intervals between use would become shorter, and my use was no longer among friends but alone. With each score I was reaching new unexplored levels of addiction and abuse. My list of excuses was running out. My family were beside themselves over what to do about me, as none were able to fully confront me about “the problem”. Everyone could see the terrible changes coming over me that are symptomatic of meth abuse – my friends, coworkers, and most of all my family. I could see these too but was stuck in the downward spiral of addiction. Yet all I needed was that simple promise made to a friend I trusted to “talk to dindo”.
All I can say is it worked. Dindo has an intelligent, engaging and sympathetic nature that leads to a conference of trust and with it a flexibility of options. He tells it like it is, and if full in-patient treatment would be needed, that would be the way to go. Fortunately for those who love me, and myself, I was able to arrest my abuse with Dindo’s tireless, consistent, and wise help, counsel and attention, without resorting to in-patient rehabilitation. Dindo brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table of personal recovery.
Throughout my engagement with Dindo, we both maintained a spirit of complete honesty. We did this while sharing a great sense of humor, always keeping in mind the seriousness of addiction. Where what I needed was beyond his level of expertise or training, Dindo brought in an astonishing armada of networks and contacts who did have what I needed. Dindo never forgets who his true client is -the recovering addict -and therefore treats the client with the dignity they deserve and often lack from all others.
I have been clean for over a year but know that I could slip back into use if I lose sight of the methods and goals that Dindo taught me. I also know that Dindo is just a phone call away and will drop everything to help me out if need be. My struggle with alcohol continues, one day at a time. But in this struggle too Dindo gave me encouragement to continue with the treatment option I chose for myself long ago, to go the distance with what it has to offer. What Dindo gave me most of all was simply hope. God bless you, Dindo Ayuyao.
Recovering from the South of Manila
The first time I tried meth or “shabu” was in 1986. I thought it was the best thing that ever happened to me. I loved it the first moment I tried it. Little did I know that it would not only ruin my life but also my relationship with my family. To say that I was hooked and addicted to meth is an under statement. I don’t know what it was, I cant even find the right words to describe how I used to love the drug.
In 1999 my parents had me sent to a rehabilitation facility, but just like any other addict I was in denial. Although I completed the whole six-month program but still deep inside me I wasn’t ready to quit using. I was a very sick person to say the least. Using and selling drugs became my forte’ so to speak. It was the first thing I would do when I get up everyday. Four years later I was sent to another rehab and another and another…it was like a yearly thing for the next 3 years that it was like my second home.
My parents were about to give up on me, but thank God because before they decided to do that they tried one more time to help me. This was when they got in touch with Dindo who would be my confidant for the next few months.
When I first met Dindo, honestly I was kinda hesitant to try his program. But he had an approach which was I felt was totally different from the other programs I went through before. Dindo had a very realistic approach to my problem. He gave me two choices, to go on with what I was doing or change and have a better life. THAT WAS IT. I swear, the moment he said that over dinner, it actually woke me up and realize that I cant go on doing this and that I needed to change. That’s when I agreed to go to Asian Hospital in Manila for detox. After a week in detox, that was the first time I felt so clean in the last 20 years.
Every Tuesdays, Dindo would fly from manila to cebu, This is where I use to leave. It was something I really looked forward to. This went on for the next 8 months or so. Although helping myself and the deciding to change my life was up to me, Dindo was there to guide me in doing that. He helped me build bridges and break the walls I built. He bridged the communication gap I had with my dad. To my parents and myself, he was a miracle that happened to our family. The best thing about Dindo’s program were the “CLEAN & SOBER STICKERS” that he gave me. LOL!
I’ve been sober for over a year now with a good and stable job. I have found self esteem and forgiveness for myself. I have learned a sense of responsibility and have learned to take care of myself. I never saw the beauty of life until I was sober. And until today, I still think about how lucky I am that I was able to survive all the crazy things I did my 20 years of active using which was more than half of my life but most of all I’m so lucky to meet someone like Dindo who showed me that there was hope in life no matter what.
Mistakes are always part of life, what you do after that is what matters.
-Recovering Buddy (Ft. Lauderdale)
About seven years ago, my son was misbehaving in high school and eventually dropped out of college. He was getting weirder and weirder. My wife and I could not figure it out. We had no idea then he was manifesting drug induced behavior. This situation continued for a while.
One day he talked to his mom and told her that he was taking drugs, primarily shabu.
Our world ended that moment. Everything I feared most happened to my family. We then brought him to Makati Medical Center. He was detoxified and the attending doctor suggested we bring him to a leading rehabilitation center in Paranaque, which we did
We had peace for about four months, my wife and I even attended support groups in Makati.
Again he started manifesting weird behavior. We brought him to the same rehab center after detox in St. Claire’s this time. This is where we met DR. Yat. Unfortunately the same pattern emerged. We had peace and lost it again soon. He even convinced me that Dr. Yat was no good and the detox St. Claires was no good and the rehab center’s program was no good either.
At some point we brought him to MMC basement where he stayed confied with all the crazies. What an experience that was but to no avail.
At some point he even convinced me that he was being hunted down by pushers so I agreed to take him to the province to stay with his uncle.
When things got too hot for him he came back to manila.
All in all I believe he went to rehab 6 times but the results were all iffy and periods of peace were very short.
One day we finally got him into physically hurting each other. Somehow things settled down for a while. Things were not normal in the house. We were all scared of him and what HE MIGHT DO.
I decided this cant go on. I had him physically dragged out of the house and brought to St. Claire’s for detox under the care of Dr. Yat. I had also decided to send him to a long term rehab, centers that woul keep him away for at least six months, after detox.
While in St. Claire’s , he was visited my “Dindo” Ayuyao. He was presented a proposal to try this new program to help him get out of his addiction. My son told me about it. At first I was hesitant. I didn’t want him in my house anymore. This was another ploy to stay out of long term rehab of which I had threatened him many times. What’s more would it work?
After discharge from detox he came home and started the program with dindo. Days then weeks and then months passed by. My son was and is well. It has been two wonderful years of peace and love at home. “IT’S A MIRACLE” is the only way I can describe it. He is now working. He has been promoted three times in a row. He also shows maturity and caring towards me and his mom. He finally helps around the house. I can count on him. I on my part shower him with love and of course material things. We are one happy family now.
Thanks “DINDO”
- Father from Makati City
My son started treatment with Dindo on 14 September 2006.
It took some time for my son to agree to the treatment. Once he did agree, it changed him completely. He did a 180 degree turn. Dindo was able to make him see the error of his ways, to view life in a positive light. My relationship with my son improved a hundred fold. My son always looked forward to his meetings with Dindo. After his meetings, he would come home so happy. A new person. The son who was always angry, destructive and pessimistic was gone. Never to be seen again. Dindo makes you see life with optimism.
Every one around my son has noticed the change in him. It has definitely been a welcome one.
My son’s therapy with Dindo lasted 9 months. We have moved forward in leaps and bounds. Up to today, my son still talks about the life lessons he has learned from Dindo.
What is wonderful about Dindo’s treatment is that it is out-patient therapy. You continue to live in the outside world, dealing with everyday stuff. You are not kept under lock and key.
I would and have recommended Dindo to anyone in need of treatment.
- Single Mom (Alabang)